The Ultimate Sekumpul Waterfall Bali Guide: How To Get There, What To Do, & More

One of the best things to do when you visit Bali is to spend some time at a beautiful waterfall and enjoy the sight and sheer power of water falling over a cliff edge into an azure pool below.

Our guide to Sekumpul Waterfall will help you decide if this hidden waterfall in Bali is the right place for your first waterfall visit on the island.

Where Is Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali?


Sekumpul Waterfall (this is “Air Terjun Sekumpul” in Bahasa) is in the mountains of North Bali.

This hidden waterfall is a long way from the tourist hubs of Canggu, Kuta, Seminyak, Ubud, etc. and you can expect to spend about two and a half hours driving there.

Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali is not the easiest place to find and it’s best to go with a private driver and car or on an organized tour. You can get there on a scooter or even walking but it’s hard work and not the safest route.

The road to the Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali is extremely winding and it can get very steep too. It’s also part of the main route between South Bali and North Bali – so, there’s a lot of traffic vying for the road.

If you do decide to drive, you should make certain that you take frequent rest breaks and that you have the experience to do so. This is not a journey for scooter noobs.

When’s The Best Time To Visit Sekumpul Waterfall?

bali indonesia aerial view on sekumpul waterfall

You can see Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali at any time of the year or any time of the day and be pretty guaranteed that you’re going to get some awesome photographs.

That’s because Sekumpul Waterfall really isn’t that dependent on the rainy season for water volume and the flow only lessens slightly during the dry season (April to October).

We can’t guarantee that your trip to this hidden waterfall will bring out a rainbow but rainbows are common in the mists created by the falling water here and there are good odds that you will see one.

However, the local rice terraces will look best during the rainy season and they lose their lush green edge in the dry season. So, if you want to see the terraces as well as Sekumpul Waterfall, you might aim for February or March for your visit.

What To Pack For A Sekumpul Waterfall Trip

sekumpul waterfall bali island indonesia

You don’t need to pack a huge amount of stuff to see this wonderful example of Bali waterfalls but it’s a good idea to bring the following to Sekumpul Waterfall if you want to get the most out of your day:

  • A change of clothes – you don’t have to go swimming at this hidden waterfall to get wet. The spray of the water can soak through your clothes pretty easily too. It’s very pleasant at first, but walking around all day in wet clothes isn’t that much fun. So, make sure to bring a change of clothes to stay dry and comfortable.

  • Decent shoes or sandals – whenever it gets wet in Bali, you end up with slippery rocks and mud, so it’s best to wear something with sufficient grip to hold you to the path and keep your feet free of mud. Thongs and flip-flops are a bad idea.

  • A sun hat and sunscreen – going out in the Bali sun is good for you because it encourages your body to produce Vitamin D (which is essential for health and happiness) but you don’t want to get burned, because that’s not good for you. Take a hat to shade your head and sunscreen (ideally waterproof sunscreen) for the rest of you.

  • Drinks and snacks – Sekumpul waterfall is not the easiest place to buy what you need, it’s better to bring some drinks and snacks with you just in case. If you get very hungry, Warung Fiji is near the Fiji waterfalls.

  • Your camera (waterproof or in water-resistant casing) or smartphone – people come to see this hidden waterfall, at least, in part because it looks awesome in photographs on Instagram. Make sure you bring a camera to Sekumpul Waterfall, to capture amazing memories of your day out. However, please make sure to keep electronics safe from the water. Your travel insurance won’t pay out if you drop your phone at Sekumpul Waterfall or Fuji waterfall.

How To Get To Sekumpul Waterfall?

scenic landscape with green trees and majestic waterfall Sekumpul, Bali

From Northern Bali

You need to head down the Bedugal – Singaraja Road as it heads to Bedugal Lake.

There is a turn-off for Sekumpul Waterfall (Air Terjun Sekumpul) on this road at the top of the mountain.

Once you take the turn-off, you will end up travelling for another half an hour until you reach the car park which signifies the start of the Sekumpul Waterfall hike.

From Canggu, Kuta & Seminyak

It’s not far as the crow flies from these areas, but the roads are twisty, turny and treacherous and it will take about 2.5 hours to do the trip.

Follow the Denpasar to Singaraja Road, you will pass through the town of Bedugal before you start to descend on the other side of the mountain.

Find the turn-off mentioned above and follow the same process to get to the car park.

From Ubud

Getting to Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali from Ubud is a real pain and frankly, you probably want to break this journey up a bit.

We’d try a stop at the Leke-Leke waterfall for that.

Go west to the Denpasar – Singajara Road, then head North, through Bedugal and then over the mountain and on to the turn off to the car park.

Sekumpul Waterfall Tours

Perhaps, the easiest way to get to Sekumpul Waterfall is to join one of the many organized tours that head out this way.

We’d recommend that you talk to the great people at the Bali Res Centre to discuss your options for your preferred date to this waterfall in Bali and get the best price on a trip to Air Terjun Sekumpul.

Tackling Sekumpul Waterfall Without A Guide (Dealing With The Registration Scam)

One good reason to visit this twin waterfall as part of an organized tour is that there are scammers on the road to the falls.

They have set up very official-looking checkpoints where they will wave you down and insist that you hire a guide to Sekumpul Waterfall and buy a ticket from them too as “it’s dangerous to go without”.

This is nothing but a scam. You’re not required to stop here. You can drive straight past. In fact, if you don’t intend to hire a guide here, that’s the best strategy.

However, if you don’t use a guide to Sekumpul Waterfall you must then enter the hiking area via the South Entrance in Lemukih Village.

You cannot use the main entrance as you will be stopped there and forced to pay for a guide.

How Much Is The Sekumpul Waterfall Entrance Fee?

Aerial view of famous Sekumpul waterfalls in Bali, Indonesia. Tr

To make matters more confusing, there is an official entrance fee to the Sekumpul waterfall, Bali but it’s only 15,000 IDR (that’s about $1 USD).

You will be provided with an official entrance ticket in exchange for the entrance fees and you may be able to use this to access Fiji Waterfall as well.

There is also a “medium trekking” permit for sale at the main entrance and you can pay 125,000 IDR for a guide, a visit to multiple waterfalls in the area and a donation made to the local village.

There is also a “long trekking” package which includes more Bali waterfalls and some bottled water.

Eco-conscious travellers should refuse bottled water and bring their own reusable water bottle. There’s no need for a trip to the biggest and best waterfall in Bali to cause any environmental damage is there?

About The Hike To Sekumpul Waterfall

The hike to this hidden waterfall is quite heavy as hikes to Bali waterfalls go and you will want to wear shoes that are fit for hiking.

This is particularly true because there is a lot of mud in the final section of the hike.

The hike is not particularly difficult as the path is wide and relatively safe but it’s a long hike and it can get steep in certain sections. It is absolutely not wheelchair accessible in any way.

We’d say that, overall, this is a moderate hike and you want to be reasonably physically fit to tackle it.

The good news is that the hike is through some glorious parts of the Bali rainforest and you will get amazing photographs at every step of the way.

The hike is down in a ravine to the valley floor below you and yes, once you’ve done here, you will have to hike back up again.

The whole hike takes around 4 hours and if you took the medium trekking or long trekking options with your entrance ticket, you may be hiking for rather longer than that.

What To Expect At Sekumpul Waterfall

Beautiful and powerful Sekumpul waterfall in Bali, Indonesia

Many say that the Sekumpul waterfalls are the biggest and best waterfalls that Bali has to offer, particularly in the Northern Region of the country.

We’d say that Air Terjun Sekumpul Waterfall is without a doubt an impressive place to spend some time.

The first really good look you get over Air Terjun Sekumpul Waterfall is at the viewpoint above the waterfall. It’s a lovely place to take a photo but don’t stop here.

Head down into the valley and you can shoot the Sekumpul waterfalls from below too.

Please note: as soon as you arrive at the base of the Sekumpul waterfalls the spray is very intense and it’s not atypical for people to get soaked through here.

Photography Tips For Sekumpul Waterfall

There is no doubt that Sekumpul Waterfalls and Fiji Waterfall make for a dramatic sight that every photographer would love to capture forever.

However, it’s important to understand that these are real waterfalls and there’s a lot of water floating around.

Our tips for getting good images include:

  • Use a weather-sealed camera and lens combo or use waterproof housing when shooting in spray – otherwise, keep the camera in a water-sealed bag.

  • Take a lens cloth – weather-sealing doesn’t get rid of water buildup, so make sure to give the front element a clean when it gets wet.

  • Use a lens hood – it gets a bit slippery around waterfalls, the best way to protect your lens against fall damage is to use the lens hood.

  • Consider using a tripod – yes, it’s a pain to hike to waterfalls with a tripod but if you want long exposures with that silky feel to the water? This is the best way to get them.

  • Get there early – the sunrise golden hour is the best time to shoot waterfalls for the most dramatic light.

What To Expect At Fiji Waterfall

To get to Fiji waterfall, you simply retrace your steps along the river bed until you find the fork in the path and follow the path to Fiji waterfall, instead of Grombong.

Fiji Waterfall is a lovely waterfall that gets fewer visitors and you can see three distinct falls break over the cliff side here.

If you’ve come all this way, it’s definitely worth visiting Fiji Waterfall the twin waterfall to Sekumpul.

A Side Tour To Lemukih Village And The Lemukih Water Slide

If you have a guide to Sekumpul Waterfall with you, they should also be able to take you to Lemukih Village where you can enjoy a natural water slide to the next waterfall!

It’s only about 50 meters long, but it’s one of the most thrilling slides we’ve ever tried. The waterfall you end up at is pleasant enough but it doesn’t really compete with the major waterfalls nearby.

However, as this is only a short hike from Sekumpul, it’s very much worth fitting in to your day if you have a guide that knows the way.


How Long Does It Take To Walk To Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali?

The hike can potentially take as little as 30 minutes, though we’d allow an hour for the walk downhill and a bit longer for the walk uphill afterwards.

We’d allow 3-4 hours in total for your trip to the Sekumpul Waterfalls, there’s no need to rush things at the Air Terjun Sekumpul Waterfall. How many chances do you get in daily life to visit epic waterfalls?

Not very many, right? So why not make the most of your time at the Sekumpul Waterfalls and enjoy the spectacle for what it is.

Is Sekumpul Waterfall Worth Visiting?

Yes! Many people think it’s the best of Bali waterfalls and a Bali itinerary without a trip to Sekumpul waterfall is not worth contemplating if you want that Instagram moment of an amazing waterfall shot.

When Should I Visit Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali?

Any time of the year is fine to visit this waterfall in Bali but, if you want the best light for your photos, the earlier in the day, the better.

You don’t have to be there at the crack of dawn because the sun’s rays are broken up as they filter through the valley, but it does get too bright in the afternoon to take great shots without expensive camera filters.

How Do I Get To Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali?

The best way to get to this waterfall is on a guided tour. This can be arranged before you even arrive in Bali.

This will ensure you get there safely and that you learn everything you want to learn on your visit too.

Do I Need Travel Insurance For Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali?

You are not legally required to buy travel insurance to visit this waterfall and thousands have probably visited Sekumpul Waterfall without insurance and without a problem.

However, if you’re not insured and you do have an accident, you will have to meet all the costs of treatment yourself. This can be very expensive. So, it’s best to have travel insurance.

How Do I Book A Trip To Sekumpul Waterfall, Bali?

You contact our wonderful friends at Bali Res Centre. They’re the go-to resource for all hotels, trips, etc. on the island.

They have all the latest up-to-date local information to help you make the right choice when booking and their prices are super competitive too!

Final Thoughts On The Sekumpul Waterfall Hike

There are many Bali waterfalls and everyone should visit at least one on their holiday in Bali but Sekumpul Waterfalls are special and it’s definitely worth a trip to see this majestic waterfall cascading down the sheer cliff face.

It’s an amazing location for Instagram photos and there are epic viewpoints to facilitate this.

There are also other examples of the best waterfalls in Bali in the same valley, you can see three waterfalls within a short walk of Sekumpul Village and waterfall.